Shira Etzion LMFT

Counseling for Couples, Families & Individuals

I am passionate about personal growth and connecting deeply with my clients.  I have a virtual practice and see clients face to face via ZOOM, a HIPAA compliant platform. I love that virtual therapy gives both myself and my clients the opportunity to stay connected even while living active and busy lives. Support is a necessity in life and I have found that working virtually has been the best option for my clients and myself.

I strongly believe the therapeutic relationship is the most important factor in facilitating change. I work from a humanistic and holistic framework and am committed to creating a space that is safe, trusting and non-judgmental.

My specialities include: relationship issues, family healing, communication, life transitions, wedding stress and prenup agreements

About image

  • MA Marriage and Family Therapy, Hofstra University
  • BFA, Syracuse University
  • Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (IPEC)
  • Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN)
  • Certified Redirecting Children's Behavior Facilitator
  • Yoga Teacher Training - 200 hr
  • Reiki Level 2 Practitioner
  • Mindfulness Training with John Newton
  • Gottman Level 1 training 
  • Emotion Focused Therapy Level 1 training
  • Certificate in Psychedelic Asisted Therapy and Research, California Institute for Integral Studies 


Ketamine is one of the most transformative therapeutic tools I have come across!

To see how my K360 intensive can support your current goals reach out for a free consultation.

For more information about Ketamine Asisted psychotherapy (KAP) and K360 intensives, email me at with K360 in the subject title.
Your Prenup process can be FUN!!!!!

For more information about my Prenup Cleanup intensives please email me at with "Prenup Cleanup" in the subject box.
Are you about to get married and questioning whether to follow through on your ceremony, cancel your reception or not get married at all?

​Let me help you get CLARITY!

For more information on my wedding 911 intensives please email me at with "wedding911" in the subject line.
Coaching image

Make your future better than your past.

I am a therapist who offers coaching. 

The future holds the mirror to who you have always been. Lets go forward together.

Therapy is important. The modalities combined to be considered "a therapist" and the training that entails are powerful. However, sometime a life well lived is the best way to rewrite your past. The way forward does not have to be alone nor without acknowledgement of past traumas. It just doesn't always need to be explored in tandem or within the same breath. Give your future its own attention. 

If you need coaching to alter your life and create a mirror of who you know you are but are held back by limitations you'd rather not spend tons of time on yet do want to be acknowledged for by a trained therapist who recognizes your future is what matters to you I am the coach for you. Reach out today!

Available to work with individuals and within a corporate framework. 

 I live my life in the universe of transformational leadership and my colleagues are some of the top personal growth facilitators in the world. Yet my go-to practitioner is and has been for almost a decade, Shira Etzion. Shira's profound wisdom and unique insights have shifted my mindset. As a result I have been able to move ahead with more confidence which resulted in some pretty phenomenal success. 

Debra Poneman
Founder of Yes to Success and Ageless Seminars

 My work with Shira has been nothing short of transformative. Thirty-five years of depression, trauma and hopelessness were gently undone, processed and assimilated with her meaningful guidance and unwavering support in the most productive and profound of ways. She has this innate ability to cut through to the core of an issue and help you move through it from a very honest place. I no longer live my life passively but with purpose and meaning. She has literally given me a new lease on life. Working with Shira is the best decision I have ever made for myself and my life. 

 Going to couples therapy for the first time, we didn't know what to expect or if we would feel comfortable, we went to see Shira and she was fantastic! We were very comfortable speaking to her, especially my boyfriend who is sort of awkward lol. We saw her for about 6 months or so, she has helped my boyfriend and I grow stronger. A huge issue for us was lack of communication, coming here really helped. Shira would give us some activities to do outside of therapy so that we're not waiting for therapy every week to tell each other how we're feeling. Seems so silly that communication was an issue but, my boyfriend and I just really lacked that. Shira helped so much. She provided her insights and looking at ways she did was great. Made me realize I was looking at some situations maybe one sided. If I ever feel the need to see a therapist again, I would go back to Shira. It was very difficult to say goodbye to our weekly sessions! 

 I've done several sessions with Shira and she is extremely talented. Her passion to serve really shows up and I cannot say enough amazing things about her. I love that she is no-nonsense and real talks, and is fully present to the extent she can really tap into my inner voice and hear things in different ways than I hear myself. I am always extremely excited before every session with her because working with her is so transformational. 

 I first sought couples counseling when I was engaged to my now husband. While planning our wedding, it became clear that my husband and I had different perspectives on some very important issues and we had difficulty finding a common ground. Our stress levels had reached their peak and as this was new, uncharted territory for us, we were both unsure about how to move forward. That's when we decided to see Shira and we are both so glad we did. Shira helped us understand ourselves and each other in a whole new way. She helped us focus on the real issues, helped us both communicate more clearly and made sure we both felt heard. Shira has an innate and rare ability to hone in on what's important. She is so insightful and her guidance helped us navigate a difficult time, a journey which ultimately strengthened our relationship. We have been married for about a year now and we still use the skills that Shira taught us to work through the infrequent conflicts that arise. I would, without reservation, recommend Shira to any couple seeking counseling. 

 Shira Etzion is not only an extraordinary therapist, she is an extraordinary person: deeply intuitive, caring, and insightful. She has allowed me to see blind spots in my life, gave me the courage to lean into my fears and resistance around my sexuality and my business with grace and courage. I would recommend Shira to anyone wanting to have breakthroughs in any area of life. 

 I had the pleasure of working with Shira over a year ago, and the work we did together still impacts my life today. I grew up in the Midwest where we did NOT talk about our issues, we politely swept them under the rug and pretended they weren't there. Shira helped me get real about areas of my life that I'd been too afraid too look at and the uncomfortable conversations I'd been avoiding. She gave me the encouragement I needed to have those conversations which, at the time, felt impossible for me. These experiences showed me the power of lovingly speaking my truth no matter what the results. As a result, I've slowly become more and more confident in having open and honest conversations, no matter how uncomfortable. My relationships are better and I feel happier and more free. If you have the chance to work with Shira, I highly recommend it! 

 Shira is the best!! My then boyfriend and I came to Shira for couples therapy. We were not in a good place in our relationship - issues with communication, jealousy, and accountability. Things were getting worse and therapy was really our last resort to try and fix our relationship. We visited Shira for a couple months and at first, it took a while for both of us to open up but as we spent more time with her, we discovered what our real issues were both as a couple and as individuals. Shira would listen to us, provide insights, and really push us to examine ourselves. She gave us activities to do outside of therapy and as time went on, my boyfriend and I got closer and our communication improved 100%. Now about 2 years later, I can say with full confidence that Shira saved our relationship!! We've taken what Shira taught us and continue to work on our relationship. My boyfriend proposed shortly after we finished our therapy sessions and we are now happily married. Thank you so much again! If your looking for help in your relationship, look no further than Shira! 

 I highly recommend Shira Etzion as a therapist. I have known Shira for over a decade and I am grateful to have had her guidance, intuitive insights and loving support throughout the years. She is skilled at working with people to get to the root of issues and to see things in a different way which creates space for deep personal growth. 

Marriage and Family Therapists through all decades especially Carl Whitaker, John and Julie Gottman, Harville Hendricks and Susan Anderson and Sue Johnson
Carl Rogers
Byron katie
Debra poneman
John newton
Andrea cornell
Oliver Nino
My husband
Sri Sri Ravi Shenkar
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Circe Griswald
Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis
My clients
Thomas Gates
T Harve Ecker
Marisa Morin

And many more unknown humans 🙏🏼